Preparing for an Outstanding CQC inspection
The CQC (Care Quality Commission) is an independent body which is responsible for regulating and monitoring health and adult social care services in England. As part of this, they carry out regular inspections of care services which result in a CQC report and rating.
Clients use CQC ratings and reports to help them choose a care setting. So it’s important to give yourself the best possible chance of receiving a CQC Outstanding rating.
The Caredemy Preparing for an Outstanding CQC Inspection course is a free course that will help you to prepare your care setting for CQC inspections and attain that all-important Outstanding rating.
What is a Care Quality Commission Inspection?
Visiting health and social care settings allows the CQC to observe how care is delivered and talk to both staff and the people who use care services. They carry out regular comprehensive inspections and smaller focused inspections which concentrate on a particular area of concern. All care settings in England need to be prepared for a CQC inspection with little or no notice.
The CQC uses information gathered in the inspection planning stage to determine areas of concern and areas where the service is performing well. Evidence is collected during the visit in various ways, which may include talking to people individually and in groups, using comment cards, reviewing records and observing care.
A feedback meeting will be held to give senior staff a summary of the inspection’s findings, and it will be followed by a written report which will also be published online.
The care service will also receive a rating of Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate. To receive a CQC Outstanding rating, the care service must provide consistently high quality care and treatment, not just when an inspection is being carried out.
Who is the Preparing for an Outstanding CQC Inspection course suitable for?
This online careskills course is a Level 1 introductory course which is designed to be suitable for health and social care staff at all levels.
It is particularly appropriate for managers and supervisors in care settings as well as those who work in Human Resources. Assessors and other employees in health and adult social care settings may also find this course useful.
The Preparing for an Outstanding CQC Inspection online training course can form part of your induction training syllabus for new employees. You may also wish to use it as part of regular refresher training for your existing staff.
What does the course cover?
This free CPD accredited course gives an overview of the CQC inspection process. It covers how an inspection is carried out as well as what happens after a CQC inspection has taken place.
After completing this course, you will understand the different types of Care Quality Commission inspection, the eight core services that are always inspected and five key questions. The course will help you to understand each step of the inspection procedure from start to finish and the Judgement Framework upon which your rating will be based. And you will also be able to identify potential CQC compliance and enforcement actions.
It will take around one hour to complete this free online course and once you have completed the course, you will be awarded 1 CPD point.
Care Skills training with Caredemy
Caredemy online careskills academy is the convenient way to complete health and social care training online. All of our courses are designed and written by industry experts to meet CQC standards.
Our user-friendly online dashboard allows learners to keep track of their progress through their training. This makes it easy for staff to pick back up where they left off at the end of their last study session and for managers to keep a record of their team’s training and certification.
All Caredemy courses include 12 months’ instant online access to the course materials and free exam resits if required plus a free course certificate when you pass the exam.
For more information about the Caredemy Preparing for an Outstanding CQC Inspection online training course or to book online, please click here to visit the course page. If you have any queries about this or any of our other courses, you can also email our Student Support team or call them on 0203 488 7599.