Agency Care & Bank Staff Online Training (160+ Courses)
£60.00 +VAT / year
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Course details
Agency Care & Bank Staff Workers Training (Over 160 Courses)
At Caredemy our aim is to offer user friendly, easy to navigate care courses at an affordable price. Our subscription includes access to over 160 courses for 12 months, as we add new courses we will include access to these too! We have included the care certificate course.
Our courses are endorsed by the skills for care, assessed and accredited by the CPD standards office, and an exam and certificate is included too.
This is equivalent to £5 per month or 0.37 pence per course to access our entire course library for 12 months.
What Courses are available
Over 160 Courses Are Available To You Instantly Including The Exam And Certificate
Awareness |
Age Discrimination |
Alcohol-use Disorders |
Anaphylaxis |
Chaperones |
COVID-19 Awareness |
Diabetes in Adults |
Diabetes in Children |
Dysphagia Awareness |
Epilepsy Awareness |
Managing Oral Health |
Parkinson’s Disease |
Safe Handling of Sharps and Needles |
Sepsis Awareness |
Stress & Burnout |
Stroke Awareness & Rehabilitation |
Suicide Prevention |
The Prevent Strategy |
Venous Thromboembolism |
Work related skin diseases |
Clincal |
Acute Care |
Blood Transfusions |
Catheterisation |
Fluid Balance & Vital Signs |
National Early Warning Score in Community Nursing & Residential Homes |
Pressure Ulcer Prevention in Acute & Community Settings |
Vaccinations and Immunisations |
Vaccinations and Immunisations: An Understanding of the Importance of Vaccines Level 2 |
Vaccinations and Immunisations: Vaccination Schedules, Administration, and Procedures Level 3 |
Venepuncture and Cannulation |
Compliance |
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) |
Information Governance |
Working with Display Screen Equipment |
Counter Fraud |
Cybersecurity and Fraud |
Advance Care Planning & Record Keeping |
Assessing Competence for the Care Certificate |
End Of Life |
End of Life Care for Adults |
Managing Patient Deaths |
Managing Patient Deaths: An Understanding – Level 1 |
Managing Patient Deaths: Communication & Empathy – Level 2 |
Managing Patient Deaths: Compliance & Management – Level 3 |
Palliative & End of Life Care |
Verification of Death |
Fire Safety |
Fire Safety Awareness |
Fire Safety Awareness: An Introduction |
Fire Safety Awareness: Fire Signs, Guides, Equipment, and Evacuation |
The Role of a Fire Warden |
First Aid (Resuscitation) Level 2 Course |
First Aid – Paediatrics (2 Courses Bundle) |
First Aid – Basic Life Support (Resuscitation) Course |
First Aid at Work |
First Aid Paediatrics : An Understanding |
First Aid Paediatrics : CPR, Choking, and Resuscitation |
Food Hygiene & Safety |
Allergen Guidance for Food Businesses |
Food Hygiene & Safety Basic (Level 1) |
Food Hygiene (Basic) Level 1 |
Food Hygiene and Safety for Caterers (Level 2) |
Food Hygiene And Safety For Childminders (Level 2) |
Food Hygiene And Safety For Residential Care Homes (Level 2) |
Food Hygiene And Safety For Retailers (Level 2) |
Food Safety & Hygiene Level 2 In Healthcare |
Health & Safety |
Food Safety Management: Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point (HACCP) |
Hand Hygiene |
Health Safety and Welfare |
Infection Prevention and Control for Clinical Workers |
Infection Prevention and Control for Non-Clinical Workers |
Infection Prevention and Control Level 1 In Health & Social Care |
Infection Prevention and Control Level 2 in Health & Social Care |
Infection Prevention and Control: Level 1 An introduction |
Infection Prevention and Control: Level 2 (An understanding) |
Infection Prevention and Control: Level 3 – Compliance and Management |
Infections Associated With Working In Care (Level 4) |
Moving and Handling of Objects |
Moving and Handling Patients in Primary Care |
Moving and Handling People |
Personal Protective Equipment |
Health & Social Care |
Preventing Falls |
Risk Assessments |
Duty of Candour |
Duty of Care |
Person-Centred Approaches Step 1 |
Person-Centred Approaches Step 1 and 2 |
Person-Centred Care |
Personalised Care Planning |
Principles of Consent |
Privacy and Dignity |
Providing Hydration – Fluids and Nutrition |
Understand Your Role |
Working Safely in Domicilary Care |
Your Care Career |
Your Personal Development |
Your Personal Health Budget |
Human Resources |
Conflict Resolution in Primary Care |
Health Safety and Welfare in Primary Care |
Moving and Handling in Primary Care |
Home Care: Practical Support & Personal Care Delivery |
Lone Worker Essentials |
Awareness of Equality, Diversity and Human Rights |
Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace |
Conflict Resolution |
Conflict Resolution: An Introduction Level 1 |
Conflict Resolution: Contributing Factors Level 2 |
Conflict Resolution: Strategies for Communicating Level 3 |
Effective Communication |
Gender Equality |
Pregnancy and Maternity Discrimination |
Promoting Understanding of Equality, Diversity, & Human Rights |
Race & Ethnicity Discrimination |
Religion & Belief Discrimination |
Sexual Orientation And Discrimination |
Whistleblowing |
Induction |
Care Certificate |
Care Certificate (Standards 1 to 15) |
Care Certificate Standard 1 – Understand Your Role |
Care Certificate Standard 2 – Your Personal Development |
Care Certificate Standard 3 – Duty of Care |
Care Certificate Standard 4 – Awareness of Equality, Diversity and Human Rights |
Care Certificate Standard 5 – Work In A Person Centred Way |
Care Certificate Standard 6 – Communication |
Care Certificate Standard 7 – Privacy and Dignity |
Care Certificate Standard 8 -Fluids and Nutrition |
Care Certificate Standard 9 – Dementia Awareness |
Care Certificate Standard 9 – Learning Disabilities Awareness |
Care Certificate Standard 9 – Mental Health Awareness |
Care Certificate Standard Number 10 – Safeguarding Adults |
Care Certificate Standard Number 11 – Safeguarding Children |
Care Certificate Standard Number 12 – Basic Life Support |
Care Certificate Standard Number 13 – Health and Safety |
Care Certificate Standard Number 14 – Handling Information (Information Governance) |
Care Certificate Standard Number 15 – Infection Prevention and Control |
Learning Disabilities & Behaviours |
Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults |
Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children |
Disability Discrimination |
Learning Disabilities |
Learning Disabilities: Good Communication Practices for Persons with Learning Disabilities |
Learning Disabilities: Understanding the Types of Learning Disabilities |
Management |
Effective supervision A practical guide for adult social care managers and supervisors |
Fit and Proper Persons Employed in Care (Level 4) |
Good Governance in Care (Level 4) |
Meeting Nutritional and Hydration Needs in Care (Level 4) |
Mentoring for Mentors |
Need for Consent (Level 4) |
Premises and Equipment in Care (level 4) |
Preparing for an Outstanding CQC Inspection |
Reablement |
Receiving and Acting on Complaints in Care (Level 4) |
Safe Care and Treatment (level 4) |
Staffing in Care (level 4) |
Supporting Adult Carers (Level 3) |
Medication |
Medicine Drug Calculations |
Medicines Control & Administration (Medication Management) |
Medicines Control and Administration: Governance Arrangements and Accountability Level 2 |
Medicines Control and Administration: Risk Assessments, Reporting, and Administration Level 3 |
Medicines Management in Care Homes |
Medicines Management in Social Care |
Medicines Optimisation: An Introduction Level 2 |
Medicines Optimisation: Management Plan, Systems, and Reconciliation Level 3 |
Medicines Optimisation: Safe & Effective Use of Medication |
Mental Health |
Mental Health Conditions |
Mental Health Problems in People with Learning Disabilities |
Mental Health Wellbeing at Work |
Mental Wellbeing in Over 65s |
The Mental Capacity Act and Liberty Safeguards |
What is Dementia? |
Safeguarding |
Designated Safeguarding Lead Training |
Domestic Violence and Abuse – Level 1 |
Female Genital Mutilation |
Keeping children safe in education for schools and colleges |
Safeguarding Adults Level 1 |
Safeguarding Adults Level 2 |
Safeguarding Adults Level 3 Course |
Safeguarding Children Level 1 |
Safeguarding Children Level 2 |
Safeguarding Children Level 3 |
Safeguarding Children with Disabilities |
Safeguarding in Sport |
Safeguarding Service Users from Abuse & Improper Treatment |
Safeguarding Training for Taxi Drivers |
Violence Against Women |
Statutory & Mandatory Courses
What Are The Statutory & Mandatory Courses?
- Moving and Handling Patients
- First Aid
- Basic Life Support
- Communication
- Privacy and Dignity
- Equality & Diversity
- Fire Safety
- Food Hygiene
- Health & Safety
- Advanced Care Planning & Record Keeping
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Medication Management
- Mental Capacity and Liberty Safeguards
- Moving Handling Objects
- Nutrition & Hydration
- Oral Health
- Person Centred Care
- Recording and Reporting
- Positive Behaviour Support
- Safeguarding Adults
- Safeguarding Children
- Learning Disabilities
- Autism
For further details on core and mandatory training please refer to the Skills for Care guidance
Who is this for?
Who is this training for?
- Refresher training
- Inductions
- Awareness
- Knowledge enhancement
It is suitable for the following:
- Health Care workers
- Nurses, Doctors, Ambulance services, clinical and non-clinical workers
- Social Care Workers including Councils, Carers and Care assistants
- Agency and Bank care workers
- Youth workers including activity leaders, passenger transport and volunteers
How our courses work
Add your course(s) to checkout & pay
Instant course(s) allocation. No waiting!
Pass the exam to obtain a certificate
Image examples
Take a peek at some of the materials
How it works:
Assessment & Certification
You will be given a multiple-choice exam available at the end of the learning, you will be graded. On a pass mark of 70% or higher a certificate is issued.
You may retake the test at your convenience at no additional cost.
On completion of the exam, a free certificate is instantly available for you to download or print.
A hard copy certificate printed on certificate grade paper can be purchased for a nominal fee via your learner dashboard and are dispatched within three working days to your address. Please note at this time we currently only mail certificates to the United Kingdom.
£60.00 +VAT / year

If you are purchasing for someone else tick this box.
You will allocate the course after purchase to an alternate person(s)
These Courses will be included in your purchase by default.
Why learn with us?
- 12 month anytime course access
- CPD Accredited online courses
- Free course certificate
- No waiting with instant course access
- User friendly training, easy to navigate
- Downloadable Workbook
- Compliant to the care frameworks
- Multiple choice exam & resits included
- Cancel the renewal at any time